
Apache Today PR: Zope 2.3.1 final released

“Zope 2.3.1 contains fixes for a number of issues that have come
up since 2.3.0, including the fixes for the issues addressed by the
02/23 and 03/08 hotfixes. It also contains a number of changes to
address issues with ZCatalog. New data structures have been
introduced to reduce the number of conflict errors caused by object
indexing under some types of usage, and to reduce the amount of
object database bloat that occurs when indexed objects change

“The changes to ZCatalog have been designed so that newly
created ZCatalog objects will take advantage of the new data
structures. Existing ZCatalog objects will continue to work with
the old data structures, but will not gain any of the benefits of
the new code. It is possible to upgrade an existing ZCatalog object
to use the new data structures by following the How-To….”

“With the 2.3.1 release we have added a Linux Itanium binary
distribution. Note that the Itanium binary is bundled with Python
2.0 instead of Python 1.5.2. This release
(Zope-2.3.1-linux2-ia64-alpha.tgz) is named with “alpha” because it
is the first for the platform. All unit tests pass and moderate
testing has found no problems (actually, any problems you find are
more likely to be issues with Zope on Python 2.0 rather than issues
with the platform).”

Press Release

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