
Cisco “Think inside the box” contest finalists answer my questions

“Nearly a year ago Cisco announced (in THIS BLOG Oct 14th, 2008)
a new contest where teams would develop creative, open source
applications for a Cisco Integrated Services Router. With a total
prize of $100,000 USD, this contest brought in a number of teams to
compete. Of those teams that entered, there were eight finalists.
Of those finalists I had the pleasure of interviewing three teams
that have a chance to share the prize money. The questions focused
on open source (of course) and just might shed some light on how
projects like this can help further the cause. You can click on the
link for each team to see the project they are working on.

“Team Ideate (Gopinath Bailur)
1. What inspired you to create this particular project? Gopi New
platforms excite us all the time and our curiosity to do new things
in every platform was the driving factor for us to create this
project. Also being so long with Servion Global Solutions and
handling Customer Interaction Management domain, we felt the need
to address common customer issues while managing the platform.
Having intelligence at the edge is something we are very cognizant
about, and AXP has a good solution for that which we wanted to


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