“I’ve been the Fedora Project Leader for a little over two years
now, and now that we’re rocketing (sorry!) toward my fifth release
in that role, I’m interested in branching out into other ways of
championing free and open source software at Red Hat. Before I do
that, I want to smoothly pass on the role of Fedora Project Leader,
and make sure the person who next takes this role can be fully
successful in it.“My peers and managers in Red Hat and the community at large
have been incredibly supportive, and there’s no one driving this
decision other than me. The Fedora Board, and key managers and
engineers in Red Hat, are all part of the process of selecting the
next FPL.“This process will naturally take some time, but I’m glad that
the partnership between Red Hat and the rest of the Fedora
community allows me to give people an early heads-up about these
Fedora Project Leader future
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