
InfoWorld: Inprise/Borland backs GNOME efforts

“Inprise/Borland revealed on Monday in an announcement at the
Linux Business Expo conference in Las Vegas that it is working to
further the GNOME Foundation’s cause. The Scotts Valley,
Calif.-based tools vendor is joining the GNOME Foundation
Advisory Board
, which consists of IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and
Red Hat, and fosters development of the GNOME (GNU Network Object
Model Environment) desktop environment and application

“Inprise/Borland will support the GNOME desktop interface
within its open-source RAD (rapid application development) tools,
code-named Kylix.”

“Our goal for the first release is to be GNOME-aware. Kylix will
be able to adopt the GNOME look and feel,” said Michael Swindell,
Inprise/Borland’s director of product marketing.”

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