“The Intel Linux driver stack can be attributed with many
firsts, but continually pushing this driver while putting out
quarterly timed releases has led to some pains. Earlier this year
in fact the driver stack was rather buggy — especially in Ubuntu
9.04 — that impaired many users with stability issues, performance
problems, and other headaches. Most of the regressions from
overhauling the Linux driver stack have been resolved, but where is
the driver stack at now? The Intel stack in Ubuntu 9.10 is
performing rather well, but where it’s more important is its status
within Fedora as more of the bleeding-edge graphics packages are
pulled into this release that often don’t make it into other
distributions until months later when they roll out their next
releases. To see where the Intel Linux graphics are at in Fedora
12, we ran the same set of benchmarks in the Fedora 10, 11, and 12
releases with an Intel G43 IGP.“To first recap some important pieces of information for Fedora
10, Fedora 11, and Fedora 12 are the package versions found in each
release. Fedora 10 shipped with the Linux 2.6.27 kernel, GNOME
2.24.1, X Server 1.5.3, xf86-video-intel 2.5.0, and Mesa 7.3-devel.
Fedora 11 provided the Linux 2.6.29 kernel, GNOME 2.26.1, X Server
1.6.2 RC1, xf86-video-intel 2.7.0, and Mesa 7.5-devel. The brand
new Fedora 12 release is using the Linux 2.6.31 kernel, GNOME
2.28.1, X Server 1.7.1, xf86-video-intel 2.9.1, and Mesa 7.7-devel.
All three Fedora releases were left in their stock configurations
after installation. The x86_64 version of all three Fedora releases
was used.”
Intel Linux Graphics Shine With Fedora 12
Michael Larabel
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