
Linux Journal: Inside TLDP

“TLDP is short for The Linux Documentation Project, an
organization of volunteers authoring, reviewing and managing
documents about the Linux operating system. Documents basically
come in two formats based upon their length. The shorter ones
generally are called HOWTOs (or mini-HOWTOs, if they are really
short), the longer documents, called guides, deal in-depth with a
Linux feature.

“The number of topics discussed in these HOWTOs and guides is
practically unlimited, ranging from installing the Linux system to
managing all kinds of devices, services and environments, to
creating your own system from scratch. Name any topic, there’s
something about it in TLDP, mainly thanks to volunteers who share
their experiences.

“All the documentation is freely available in several formats
suitable for printing and on-line browsing. The main submission
language is English, but several translation efforts, including
French, German and Chinese, try to make this immense amount of
information available to a wider public…”


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