“They certainly don’t mess around on planet KDE. This week saw
the release of the second beta of KDE 2.1 – a major upgrade which
adds a huge number of improvements to this impressive, must-have
“So what is new in KDE 2.1? For the more technically-minded user
the big news will be Kdevelop, a C/C++ development environment. …
Fans of KDE 1.x will be pleased to see the return of the theme
manager. KDE 2.1 is fully themable… Pixie is a new image viewer
and manipulation tool. …I’m seriously impressed by the upgrades
to Konqueror. This promising alternative
web-browser-come-file-viewer now supports thumbnails. So you can
sort through your text, HTML or image documents directly from a
file viewer.”
“I don’t think it is too fanciful to point out that from a
user point of view, the progression from KDE 2.0 to 2.1 is at least
on a par with the move from, say, Windows 95 to Windows 98 AND
Office 95 to Office 2000. But this is being accomplished in
two short steps. At the current pace of development, KDE will
be able to offer a computing experience far superior to that
offered by Microsoft by around the third quarter of this year.
On top of the official work encapsulated in KDE itself, there’s
been a huge spurt of development in ancillary KDE applications