“After 2 years of work, and 3 “unofficial” releases (10.04,
10.10 and 11.04), we had recently an official go from the Technical
Board and ISO images are now made like other Ubuntu flavors. I hope
the 11.10 will be the 1st official release of Lubuntu as a member
of the Ubuntu family 🙂We have 2 important particularities. Like Xubuntu, we use
another GTK-based desktop environment than GNOME, and we try to
avoid unnecessary GNOME depends which could slow the system. We
need some GNOME parts because LXDE doesn’t provide all necessary
components. It’s the reason why we are very careful about
dependencies of those applications.We are also very strict with ressources requirement. It’s the
reason why we don’t include all Ubuntu specific applications. For
example, we don’t include Software-Center because it’s still a bit
heavy for some of our targets.
Lubuntu 11.10 preview images now available
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