
NewsForge: A Modified License for Free Software Fairness

“We should not be misled by the apparent success of Free
Software projects today. The popular Free Software licenses, such
as the GNU GPL and the BSD License, are not conducive to innovative
software development. The fact that many Free Software products are
popular should not hide the facts about the licenses under which
they are being distributed.

“Historically, producers are rewarded for their effort, and can
in turn compensate the efforts of others as they see fit. In the
modern world, the vehicle of this reward and compensation is money.
The amount of money you get for your work is an indication of the
value of your work to other people. If I create something that
could save someone a great deal of effort, then I expect that
person to compensate me equally with the fruits of his effort. That
ensures my survival. In other words, my work ensures my

“Conventional products of the mind have a material form. The
brilliant engineering that went into a car manifests itself in the
car, which is assembled from a number of parts. Those parts and the
car as a whole cannot be duplicated easily…”

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