“Many people have called for the increased adoption of Free and
Open Source Software (FOSS) in developing countries in general, and
in Africa in particular. The reasons center around issues of
affordability, ownership, and openness. Although the use of FOSS in
developing countries is increasing, a number of constraints still
stifle the growth of FOSS use in these countries. The constraints
are many and varied, but can be grouped into five, namely: the
nature of FOSS itself, an adverse policy environment, lack of
marketing, inadequate technical support, and lack of trained
personnel.“The use of FOSS has, in the past decade or so, seen an
explosive growth around the world, thanks to factors such as the
increasing popularity of the GNU/Linux operating system, the growth
of the Internet, and the availability of FOSS alternatives to
proprietary applications…”
NewsForge: Constraints Against the Adoption and Use of FOSS in Developing Countries
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