“During the past years, the free software community has gained much popularity. Many people have found themselves engaged in an ongoing battle between what is normally called the “open source” faction and the “free software” faction. Several has gone to the extreme point of thinking that everything in systems like Debian GNU/Linux and Red Hat Linux developed by the Free Software Foundation, a well-known free software advocate, should be replaced by utilities from the various BSD computer systems.”
“There appears to be a number of reasons for this, some of which can be supported and some which are only silly. The most interesting reason is to see if it really can be done. It is understandable that some people would find this interesting to pursue. As the BSD kernels and the Linux kernel gets closer to each other it is a natural course of action to see what utilities that can be mixed in user space. It would also be interesting to see if one could use a BSD kernel with the GNU system to form a GNU/BSD system.”