
LinuxDevices.com: Embedded Linux enables configurable 1U network appliance

[ Thanks to LinuxDevices.com for this link.

“Sometimes technologies converge to produce a whole that’s
decidedly greater than the sum of its parts. Bus-Tech’s highly
flexible Embedded Linux Controller achieves just such a synergy.
The highly flexible network appliance device consists of a
relatively simple PowerPC based single-board computer with four PCI
Mezzanine Card (PMC) expansion sockets, packaged in a 1U rackmount
package, and powered by MontaVista Hard Hat Linux. Its elegant
simplicity, I/O modularity, and open-source embedded operating
system combine to create what might be called the “Swiss army
knife” of 1U appliances. (See photo.)”

“Bus-Tech, a 13-year old specialist in mainframe connectivity
solutions, created the new Embedded Linux Controller in order to
address a wide range of emerging storage and network appliance
applications. Typical uses envisioned for the device are as
Internet servers (web, cache, DNS, FTP, news, mail, etc.), network
firewalls, VPN gateways, ISP access devices, Storage Area Network
(SAN) bridges and routers, and Network Attached Storage processors.
But many more possibilities exist, including such applications as
industrial control, data acquisition, and medical electronics.
Bus-Tech intends to offer the Embedded Linux Controller to
original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) both as a complete 1U
system, and as a standalone single-board computer without


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