

“It doesn’t really matter whether Linux is a good Operating
System. This is about user acceptance, not quality. If quality were
the standard, we’d be corresponding on G4 PowerMacs using
Quickmail. But we aren’t, because the marketplace often puts a
premium on things other than quality….”

“60% of the web servers on the Internet use Linux. Why? Because
Webmasters are geeks. Linux has cool database stuff. Well, DBAs are
geeks, too. In fact, anyone who gets really excited about any OS
is, by definition, a geek. Being a geek isn’t a bad thing. As a
full-time software developer, I am a full-blown geek

I am not knocking people who use Linux. What I am knocking
is the superior attitude that Linux will triumph over Windows
simply because “it’s better.
” It’s the same naively foolish
idea that Steve Jobs had about Macintosh. Even though the Macintosh
was CLEARLY superior to DOS-based PC’s in every conceivable
technical way, it was NEVER anything more than an “also-ran.”


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