“Jabber.com, Inc. — a Webb Interactive Services (Nasdaq: WEBB)
subsidiary dedicated to the commercialization of an open-source,
XML-based instant messaging system — today announced a partnership
with Collab.Net, a leading provider of collaborative software
development services based on open source principles. Jabber.com is
also appointing Collab.Net’s James Barry to its advisory
“Under the agreement, Collab.Net, who recently announced $35
million in financial backing from leading industry companies and
individuals*, will use Jabber technology as the instant messaging
vehicle for sourceXchange, its market place for financing and
managing open source software development over the Internet.
No terms of the agreement were disclosed. “
“Jabber.com will provide developers with an instant messaging
platform from which to develop and deploy real-time messaging
applications quickly and efficiently. Since the Jabber instant
messaging platform is based on open source technology, the
sourceXchange community will also be able to participate in the
development of new plug-ins and tools to extend the technology if
they chose.”