
A Conversation with Linus Torvalds

“im Zemlin, CEO of the Linux Foundation, introduced Torvalds and
“his junior apprentice” Kroah-Hartman for an informal discussion.
They started with a discussion about the 3.0 numbering, and
Torvalds mentioned (again) that the reason had nothing to do with
features and everything to do with numbering.

“I think I will call 3.11 Linux for Workgroups.”

Next, Kroah-Hartman asked about anything in the past year that
Torvalds found interesting. Surprisingly, Torvalds replied that he
“doesn’t get that involved in development” but spends his time
guiding the process. “I end up being pretty far removed from the
day to day development. Most of the code I write… is in the email
saying ‘this is the approach I’d like to see… very few commits of
mine make it into the kernel.”


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