
AbiWord Weekly News #46 by Jesper Skov

Welcome to issue 46 of the AbiWord Weekly News.

It’s been a very slow week, mainly due to a change of IP address
of the AbiSource servers. Also, quite a few of the developers are
probably bogged down preparing for (or taking) exams.

A few issues back there was talk of adding ClipArt support. This
week Dom added the dialog for GNOME. Other platforms are expected
to follow fairly soon.

This week, albeit slow, still saw an additional two very nice
checkins: Martin went hunting for screen dirt and appears to have
made quite a few kills, while Andrew (still without CVS access)
added support for Windows IME input which should fix a few
high-ranking bugs.

Finally, Dom has called for a new release within the next 2-3
weeks and asked for people to get into bug fixing mode. May I use
this opportunity to point out that the bug counts have been pretty
much unchanged for the past month now – we need users to help
triage the 57 submitted bugs and do QA on the 91 QA-pending bugs.
The developers need to look at the 287 Open bugs – at least some of
these should have been fixed by the checkins in the past month. And
of course, as Dom requested, developers should get cracking on
those bugs…


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