
‘About GNOME 2.0 – The end of a dream’ (A GNOME 2.0 Release Coordinator Steps Down)

Citing disagreements over the role of Bonobo, the GNOME
component system, in the upcoming GNOME release, Martin Baulig has
written a strongly worded e-mail announcing his intent to resign
his position as one of two GNOME 2.0 release coordinators.

From: Martin Baulig <martin@home-of-linux.org> 
To: gnome-hackers@gnome.org 
Subject: About GNOME 2.0 - The end of a dream 
Date: 16 Jun 2001 20:26:20 +0200 

Originally, I didn't want to send this mail, but after reading 
you don't give me any other chance.

Fuck you and goodbye isn't what a good release coordinator or any person with "leading
qualities" would ever do, but I simply spent two much time and efforts into GNOME 2.

Suddenly, I'm now the bad guy and I get flamed from almost everybody, so it's time for me
to face the truth and see that my work on GNOME 2 is no longer appreciated.

At the moment, I don't see any reason why I should do any further work on libgnome or
libgnomeui, this will only make more people even more angry and doesn't buy us anything.

I believe in Bonobo and that Bonobo is the future, and now I need to thank Michael for
keeping libbonobo and libbonoboui almost totally independent of libgnome and libgnomeui,
so it should be a one day hacking effort to remove the remaining bits of it and to make
GNOME 2's Bonobo independent of libgnome(ui).

So at least not all my work was in vain since I can now concentrate more on Bonobo and
maybe even help Michael with ORBit2.

You guys should also find another release coordinator who can then decide to do whatever
he wants with libgnome(ui).

As a last word, let me quote Jabob's GNOME 2 proposal

“Originally, the GNOME project’s goal was to create a
component architecture. Then people got sidetracked with the
desktop environment thing. With GNOME 2.0, we can finally put these
together and for the first time create a desktop environment made
up of components. The bonobo integration is important to do now,
because we will really not be able to do it at this level until the
next large revision of GNOME, which will be quite some time from
now, most likely.”

If anyone of you guys ever dreamed of a fully componized GNOME, then you can
now thank Owen and Maciej for successfully destroying this dream.

Don't bother answering as I won't read my mail for a week and learn for the
university instead.


From: Martin Baulig <martin@home-of-linux.org>
To: martin@gnome.org 
Subject: About GNOME 2.0 
Date: 16 Jun 2001 13:09:23 +0200 

Well, maybe I'm just very frustrated at the moment, but I slowly start to wonder what the
future of GNOME 2 is or whether GNOME 2 has a future at all.

I'm really none of the persons who get pissed of and run away if there are a few problems,
but this whole stuff starts to annoy me a lot.

Since months, I am the only person who actively works on libgnome and libgnomeui. Several
times, I ask for help [1], but the only response I got so far is that we won't have any
time to do development on the core libraries anyways and that GNOME 2 will be just GNOME
1.4 ported to GTK+ 2.0.

So, it looks like I can assume that there will be at most 3 people who will be working on
libgnome and libgnomeui until GNOME 2 is released. To make it worse, an even larger numer
of people is now criticizing me for what I did in libgnome(ui), but I don't see a single
line of code from them.

To make things worse, when I came home from university this tuesday I found a mail from
Owen in my inbox with made be both very angry and very sad. This mail looked to me as if
the board just decided to drop all efforts on GNOME 2 and to go with GNOME 1.4 + ported to
GTK+ 2.0.

Now, when looking at the minutes of this board meeting

      - Gnome 2.0

        There is concerns that people are adding to HEAD, not stabilizing
        it, working that way there is few chances we can ship in time.

        Seems that porting the stable branch to GTK-2.0 sounds a more
        reliable way to end up with something stable. Some libgnome
        APIs needs to be removed by their new GTK counterparts, but 
        we should avoid unstable changes at the Gnome level.

According to the minutes, there was nothing decided, but at least they considered dropping
libgnome and libgnomeui and starting again with the stable branch.

And according  to Owen's private mail to  me, my work on  GNOME 2.0 is not  wanted and the
board is looking for a way to let it happen in parallel with GNOME 2.0, but not as part of

Ok, now when I take a look at the calender it tells me that there are only 5 weeks left
until summer term in university ends. Yet again, I missed a lot at the university, but I
also realized this week that it's not too late to make up with everything which I missed
this term if I start learning now.

Congratulations for pissing away the only person who was actually working on libgnome(ui)
and see you in five weeks, guys !

And now I care shit about that API freeze, instead I call my private live more important
and concentrate on my studies.

[1] Actually a few people and a guy from Ximian offered me help.
    However, it doesn't help me if I need to spend 3 hours exlaining
    someone what to do if I can do it myself in 2 hours. And yesterday,
    this flamewar kept me so busy that I didn't even had time to answer
    that Ximian guy nor had I time to do any hacking.

Martin Baulig
martin@gnome.org (private)
baulig@suse.de (work)

Martin Baulig
martin@gnome.org (private)
baulig@suse.de (work)

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