
ADTmag.com: Linux gladiators duel for desktop crown

[ Thanks to Jonathan
M. Prigot
for this link. ]

Something in here for desktop warriors, (GNU/Linux|plain old
Linux) debaters, and fans of creative cut-and-pasting. Intended as
a “big picture” piece on the two major desktop environments, and
dated this month, this item’s still got Eazel as a player that will
give GNOME the edge and maintains that if Qt hadn’t charged any
fees RMS and company would have been happy with it.

“Ultimately, the selection of one environment over the
other does feel a bit like betting on a horserace. Who will
ultimately win this race?

“It all depends on who starts knocking down the wins,” said
Murphy. “People building client-side software for Linux, and those
organizations starting to coalesce around one or the other could
drive a standard; or if one or the other starts to get a
significant win in the device market. And the issue there is, can
they run in a small enough footprint? That’s often really

But even if there is a clear “winner,” the sheer
bloody-mindedness of the open sourcers is bound to keep multiple
contestants on the track.”


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