“Nokia has announced the launch of a new website, ostdev.net,
dedicated to supporting developers in the open source community as
well as the promotion of collaborative development of the OST.”
“The OST (Open Standards Terminal), announced late last year, is
a platform for home entertainment applications. It is based on open
source technologies such as, Linux, Xfree86 and Mozilla and
provides a platform for developing applications for a variety of
electronic devices including: broadcast and digital TV, digital
video recording, web browsing, gaming etc.”
“Ostdev.net is the coordination point for the development and
testing of OST software projects such as the SDK project. It will
also feature the source code for the platform as well as,
documentation, examples and project hosting related to the OST
platform. In addition the CollabNet SourceCast platform provides
the development environment for ostdev.net that includes tools for:
revision control, issue tracking, mailing list creation and
management, Web-based administration, custom branding, and