“DW: According to the product’s website, Igelle doesn’t use KDE
or GNOME but a new technology called Esther. Could you tell us why
the developers chose Esther?“MK: Esther was custom-developed just for the purpose of being
the Igelle desktop. We did look at all the existing desktops,
including KDE and GNOME, as well as LXDE and Xfce, and there are
many really cool things in all of them. But since Igelle is unique
in what it aims to do and be, none of them were really a perfect
fit. Esther’s purpose and vision is to provide the same familiar
experience across all the targeted devices from desktops, laptops
through netbooks to tablets, mobile devices and phones. Of course
we are not yet completely done with all that, so expect to see more
exciting things in the upcoming versions of Esther.“This doesn’t of course mean that Esther is an island of it’s
own. We share a lot in common with, especially, GNOME, LXDE and
Xfce, not the least of which is the GTK+ toolkit. Through that, for
example, many apps that are called GNOME-something, that are really
GTK+ applications, are well at home in the Esther desktop. And we
even include in the default desktop of Igelle many common apps and
utilities that are included in either GNOME, LXDE and/or Xfce. But
it’s mixed and matched in a way that suits the purpose and
philosophy of Igelle.”
An introduction to Igelle 1.0
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