“Here’s some fun news: “Gartner Says Android to Become No. 2
Worldwide Mobile Operating System in 2010 and Challenge Symbian for
No. 1 Position by 2014.”“I moved to a smart phone within the last year. In the past I
hadn’t really needed one. When I went somewhere I typically had my
laptop with me, so I usually hid behind that. However, as my role
became more and more driven by general email and Internet access
rather than specific proprietary programs I realized that I wanted
to have more access and functionality without lugging the computer
around all the time. If you know me at all, you know I’m a Linux
nut, so I naturally gravitated toward an Android phone. I love it.
The openness suits me and I get to use my curiosity and ability to
tinker to my advantage.“Apparently I’m not the only one who sees advantages to Android.
If Gartner is correct, Android will overtake the other options and
become the dominant mobile operating system. I think that the
openness is the key.”
Android pushing forward… but don’t ask me… listen to Gartner
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