
Because Your Distro Should Be Cool!

“It is with my Community Manager hat and as a Linux enthusiast
that I bring you this post about the Foresight Linux distribution,
literally born and brewed where I work and filled to the brim with
the technology developed at rPath. However, this is not yet another
article about yet another Linux distribution with arguments about
how great it is compared to other popular ones out there. No siree
Bob! In fact, if you are happy with the platform or distribution
that you are running, then kudos to you! I will not bore you to
tears comparing lists of packages, what kernel or why you should
drop everything you’re doing and grab a copy of Foresight. No
(32-bit)!!! No (64-bit)!!! For a while Foresight was indeed a trail
blazer and if you wanted to get the latest and coolest applications
or features for Linux, that’s where you’d go! But nowadays I feel
that a lot of the popular distributions are pretty much shipping
the same set of things plus or minus a feature here or there.”

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