“IBM today announced an expanded agreement with Chili!Soft,
Inc., a subsidiary of Cobalt Networks, Inc., to deliver complete
web hosting solutions to the UNIX environment. The new agreement
will enable service providers to host dynamic web sites, using
Chili!Soft ASP (Active Server Pages) software running on IBM’s
RS/6000 UNIX servers with the AIX operating system, along with
IBM’s DB2 Database, additional database drivers and the Apache Web
Server in a complete install package.”
“The IBM and Chili!Soft web hosting solution offers service
providers and their customers the business edge needed to compete
in today’s electronic commerce environment,” said Mike Kerr,
vice president, IBM Product Management Web Server Division.
“Internet service providers, web hosting companies, portals and
web-based businesses are increasingly turning to the performance
and reliability of IBM’s RS/6000 web servers and the AIX operating
system to help grow their online business.”
“The packaged solution includes Chili!Soft ASP, the DB2 Client,
Apache Web Server and Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Server Extensions.
“Chili!Soft and IBM recognize that interactive, dynamic Web sites
and Web applications drive today’s e-business success. Chili!Soft
ASP allows users who host their Web site on IBM’s AIX platform to
quickly and easily build and deploy database-driven Web sites and
applications using the powerful database features in FrontPage
2000,” said Nancy Buchanan, lead product manager for FrontPage at
Microsoft Corp. “Chili!Soft’s cross-platform ASP strategy helps
ensure that FrontPage 2000 will remain a leading Web site creation
and management tool.”