“Intel Corporation today announced that it has released the
first Linux version of its Open Source Computer Vision Library. The
Open Source Computer Vision Library provides a wide range of
functions, including gesture recognition, object-tracking, face
recognition and camera calibration, that will help researchers
develop ways to use “computer vision” as a method for people to
interact with computers. The announcement took place at the opening
of the industry day events at the eleventh British Machine Vision
Conference. Earlier this year, Intel released a computer vision
library and its source code for Microsoft Windows.”
“Since the Open Source Computer Vision Library was first
announced at the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition in June of this year, over 500
researchers worldwide have joined Web-based computer vision user
“Intel will facilitate the growth and maintenance of this
library by accepting and maintaining submissions of source code
content reviewed by a panel of experts from the computer vision
community. Reviewers include representatives from major vision
laboratories. This open source software release includes C source
code for all of the library’s functions and a royalty-free
redistribution license. The library may be downloaded from
www.intel.com/research/mrl/research/cvlib/, and researchers may
join the user group by sending email to