
Canada Computes: CSCMail looks nice, but does it work?

“…At present, I use Netscape for my e-mail, which is far from
ideal. There are other programs, but nothing really struck my

“That was, until I saw CSCMail. Now, as email programs go,
judging from the screenshots this program looks very nice. While
looks aren’t everything, you don’t want to spend hours staring at a
program whose interface leaves a lot to be desired. It helps to
have pretty things to look at. As I am sick of Netscape, I decided
to grab the program.”

“…CSCMail does look very promising, but be warned, if your
Linux distribution isn’t right up to date, then you may very well
encounter problems similar to the ones I did.
I can understand
the developers wanting to stay current, but for the average Linux
user who doesn’t program, this sort of thing is a major annoyance
and one of the biggest pains in Linux. When I started with Linux, I
used to persist, but after a few months I realized that life is too


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