“In large part, ventures like the Linux Business Expo can
succeed because Linux has attained enough mass-market interest and
“Aside from the expo itself, there may be no better sign of
Linux’s maturity as a legitimate productivity platform than the
launch of WordPerfect Office 2000, which Corel will be proudly
displaying. Although other vendors, including Sun Microsystems, are
competing for share of the Linux office space, WordPerfect Office
2000 is unique because it brings a virtual laundry list of former
Windows bestsellers to Linux: WordPerfect, Quattro Pro, and
Paradox, among others.”
“The desktop isn’t the only point of attack for Linux
developers, however. Linux is moving rapidly into the realm of
embedded devices, led in part by CoolLogic of Dallas, which will be
displaying its new e-Pilot 7000 Internet appliance.”
“The e-Pilot, targeted at cable companies and Internet service
providers, runs the company’s Coollinux, a memory-frugal version of
the open source operating system. The e-Pilot can display to a TV
or computer monitor, and connects to the Internet via a built-in
56K modem, or over an Ethernet connection to a DSL or cable
broadband modem.”
Complete Story (free registration required)