
CONFERENCE: AUUG Qld Chapter Technical Conf.99 (April 22)

Seen on C.O.L.A.


Park Royal Hotel
Alice Street, Brisbane

The Queensland chapter of the Australian UNIX and Open Systems User Group 
(AUUG) is proud to provide the Queensland UNIX and Open Source communities 
with detailed technical information on current and emerging issues.   Each 
year, a number of local and interstate speakers report on new developments 
at the only conference in Queensland dedicated to the design, implementation 
and use of UNIX, Linux and Open Systems.

Whether you are a power user, systems administrator, software developer, 
reseller or manager of information systems, this conference is certain to 
provide you with information and ideas directly relevant to your job.

The 1999 Conference Program includes:

Keynote Address
Dr. James Clark - Senior Vice-President, Santa Cruz Operation (SCO)*

Will Linux Rival Microsoft?
Richard Keech - Red Hat Linux Support Manager, Cybersource Pty Ltd

ITSY: A Platform for Pocket Computing Research
Peter Dettori - Compaq Computer Corporation

Building Low-Cost Embedded Network Appliances with Linux
Greg Ungerer - GergoTek Research Pty Ltd

A Walk Through the mSQL 3 Code Branch
David J. Hughes - Hughes Technologies Pty Ltd

The Java Cryptography Architecture
Nishanth Chandran - DSTC Pty Ltd

Linux in Vendorland - A Fairy Tale Comes Alive
Mark White - Compaq Computer Asia/Pacific Pte Ltd

"Computing Fallacies"
Michi Henning - Triodia Technologies Pty Ltd
(Michi will also be selling signed copies of his book 
 "Advanced Corba Programming with C++"!)

*To Be Confirmed

Registration Fees: (Conference registration includes a buffet lunch, morning 
tea, afternoon tea and post-conference refreshments.)

Registration Type
                   AUUG, ACS, SAGE-AU Members           Non-Members
Before April 15         $ 85                            $ 100
After April 15          $ 140                           $ 155
Students (provide ID)   $ 85                            $ 100
Conference              $ 180                           $ 200
+ individual AUUG membership

Registration Form
(A formatted version of this form is attached to this message)

Attendee Name: ________________________________________________________
Organisation:  ________________________________________________________
Address:       ________________________________________________________
E-Mail: ________________________________________________________

Phone: __________________(b/h) _____________________(a/h)
Fax:   __________________(b/h) _____________________(a/h)
AUUG/ACS/SAGE-AU Member:  Yes/No   Membership number ___________  No
(Circle the organisation to which you belong or Student # and Instutution)

Enclosed cheque or purchase order: $ _____________

Please charge my credit card: $ _____________

Card type:      Visa        Bankcard       MasterCard

Card holder's name: _____________________________________

Card number: _____________________________________

Expiry Date: _____________________________________

Card holder's signature: _____________________________________

Cheques should be crossed and made payable to AUUG Queensland Chapter.  
Credit card payment can be returned by fax. Send registrations to:      

AUUG Secretariat
PO Box 468
Paddington NSW 2021 

Tel: 1800 625 655
Fax: (02) 9332 4066
E-Mail: swfoda@acms.com.au

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