
CRN: Linux is an attractive alternative for POS, but Microsoft, IBM still rule the market

And then there is Linux. This inexpensive interloper offers
reliability in an industry where uptime is key. The operating
system is making gains in the POS space, but progress is painfully
, said Buzek. Linux remains in the “other OS” category to
this day.”

“So what is holding the open source OS in check?”

“Chief among its downsides are lack of driver support, lack of
ownership and lack of application support, said Buzek.”

“There has to be total vendor support at the hardware level for
Linux,” said Buzek. “Developers have spent a lot of time developing
standards for POS peripherals to be used with Windows, and that’s
not something that can be changed overnight,” he said.”

“Another problem with Linux is that no one really owns it.”


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