
DEBIAN: Debian now boots on the Corel Netwinder.

Debian GNU/Linux
Debian GNU/Linux bootable on Corel’s NetWinder
October 12, 1998


It is now possible to boot the Corel NetWinder Computer with
Debian GNU/Linux, thanks to the work of Jim Pick and the other team
members of the Debian Arm port. A disk image with instructions on
how to use it is available from


A kernel package of the new ELF kernel (some notes are available
at http://www.netwinder.org/~ralphs/knotes.html) is available


This alleviates the need for the chroot environment that
previous development work was being conducted in, and allows work
to progress even faster than before. This will also allow more
people to join in the development effort easily.

About Debian

Debian GNU/Linux is a free distribution of the GNU/Linux
operating system. It is maintained and updated through the work of
many users who volunteer their time and effort.

Linux kernel based operating systems are POSIX based, freely
distributable, and includes features such as true multitasking,
virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, proper memory
management, TCP/IP networking, and other features consistent with
Unix-type systems. It is used by individuals and organizations

Contact Information

For further information about the Debian project, please send
email to press@debian.org or
visit the Debian homepage at http://www.debian.org.

More information about the Debian GNU/Linux Netwinder/Arm port
is available at http://www.debian.org/ports/arm/.

For more information regarding the Debian GNU/Linux
Netwinder/Arm port, please visit the Debian ARM web page at
or subscribe to the Debian ARM mailing list
debian-arm@lists.debian.org. This can be done at http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/subscribe.html.

For more information about Corel Computer Corp. or the
NetWinder, please visit Corel Computer’s web site at http://www.corelcomputer.com/
or send email to Oliver Bendzsa oliverb@corelcomputer.com.

The Netwinder home page is http://www.netwinder.org.


Thanks to David Welton davidw@gate.cks.com for writing
this release. Thanks also to the entire Debian ARM Team for their
work on the distribution, and to Corel Computer for their technical

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