
developerWorks: Develop Rock-Solid Code in PHP, Parts 1 and 2

[ Thanks to Kellie
for this link. ]

From IBM developerWorks:

The series “Develop Rock-Solid code in PHP” is about solving
practical, real-life problems in medium- to large-scale
applications. In this article, PHP veteran Amol Hatwar discusses
how to use variables effectively. He also shows how to make script
configuration easy by constructing a configuration file parser
using variable variable names in PHP.

In the first article, Hatwar looks at factors that must be
considered during planning, designing, and even writing code. In
the second article, readers will dive straight in, get their feet
wet with code, and see things in action.

Develop Rock-Solid Code in PHP, Part 1

Develop Rock-Solid Code in PHP, Part 2

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