
developerWorks: Harness the Power of XML with Eclipse

“A multitude of XML plug-ins have been developed, and new ones
are created all the time. This article focuses on the plug-in
called XMLBuddy, because its feature-rich set contains most of the
functions needed for XML document development. We do touch on other
plug-ins when they provide a richer set of user options for
specific tasks. This article will familiarize you with the basic
XML editing features, but bear in mind that Eclipse is a dynamic
frameset that puts an endless array of tools and features at your

“Eclipse already includes source code for a very primitive XML
editor that offers only XML syntax highlighting. It extends classes
included in the org.eclipse.ui.editors package, which provides a
standard text editor and a file-based document provider for the
Eclipse Platform. This simple XML editor serves as a code example
that you can use as a base for your own Eclipse XML plug-ins. Its
source code can only be generated from the Eclipse project wizard,
and you will need to compile it yourself as described here…”

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