“For the past couple of years, the SVG community has
investigated new ways of leveraging the XML basis of SVG to mix and
match namespaces in an SVG document. Among the main focuses,
user-interface work emerged as a primary use-case for the usage of
custom XML markup inline in an SVG document. Rendering Custom
Content (RCC), a new technology featured in the latest drafts of
SVG 1.2, offers a new framework for allowing seamless integration
of custom XML grammars in SVG documents as well-defined extensions.
As mentioned in the primer for this series, RCC plays a key role in
SVG and XForms integration as it provides the foundation for mixing
and matching the two markups. In this article, I will introduce the
basics of RCC, walk through the implementation of a first
user-interface widget (a push-button), and provide a demo of a
richer UI application.“Before I dive into coding this simple button widget using RCC,
I will go through the basics and the newly-introduced family of RCC