[ Thanks to Ladislav
Bodnar for this link. ]
“‘What is history,’ Napoleon famously said, ‘but a lie agreed
upon.’ Fortunately (SCO notwithstanding), the history of Linux is
(mostly) agreed upon by honest people. And anyone who knows the
history of Linux will understand why Slackware deserves a special
place in the pantheon of distros. Released in July 1993 by
programmer extraordinaire Patrick Volkerding, Slackware 1.0 was one
of the first ever Linux distros.“Remarkably, more than 10 years later, Slackware (now at version
9.1) still commands a loyal following despite the existence of
formidable competition. Many other distros have come and gone, yet
Slackware–like an old reliable grandfather clock–just keeps on
ticking. Indeed, it still remains one of the major distros, though
it has been surpassed in market share by the ‘big guns’ such as
Redhat/Fedora, Mandrake, SUSE, and Debian. So just what is it about
Slackware that commands such a loyal following…?”