(Translated from German:)
- Completely glibc based, full compatibility with libc5.
- 5 Compact Disks.
- Staroffice 5.0 included.
- Netscape Communicator 4.5
- KDE 1.x
- 2.0.36 kernel
- Support all Adaptec SCSI controllers.
- AcceleratedX 4.1.2 (with DLD 6.0 pro, Motif, and CDE)
- XFree86 v3.3.2.3
- Revised manual
- Complete LDP
- CD Bootable
- Apache 1.3.x
- Ghostscript
- Gimp 1.0
- Adabas d 10.0 (Personal Edition)
- OpenBackup 3.0
- ISDN support
- JDK 1.1.6
- Windows 95 filesystem
- Window Managers: KDE, fvwm-2, fvwm-95, after step 1,0, olwm,
olvwm, mwm, twm - LessTif
- tetex
- tcl/tk 8.0
- SNNS 4.1
- Shadow passwords
- Extended configuration fool – dldadmin
- Free telephone installation support