
eChannelLine: SCO Backs Up Developers Around UnitedLinux

“The SCO Group unveiled this week a series of new programs
designed to help encourage application development for UnitedLinux,
and further the ability for developers to push those products to
SCO’s resellers. Its’ SCO Linux Powered by UnitedLinux product is
expected to be released later in November.

“‘We have recognized what we are doing with our channel and the
fact that in order to be successful there are dependencies on
people buying solutions so we have set our platform to be able to
reengage with developers more then we have in the recent past,’
said Steve Spill, director of SCO Linux Developer Network.

“‘As we move towards United Linux, one of the things that became
very obvious early on was that in order for that to be successful
it has to have a critical mass of developers and ISVs and


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