
eWeek: Borland’s Kylix tool for Linux comes into focus – about six weeks before Windows version

[ Thanks to Bob for this link.

“Conceived in 1999, Borland Software Corp.’s long-awaited Kylix
development tool for Linux will be in customers’ hands by the end
of February.”

“Borland is slated to announce this Wednesday at Linux World in
New York that Kylix will be released Feb. 15. The release also
marks the first time that Borland is releasing a product for Linux
first and Windows second. The Windows version is due out at the
beginning of the second quarter
, said Ted Shelton, Borland’s
senior vice president and chief strategy officer, in Scotts Valley,

“This is really a native development tool so it runs very, very
fast,” Shelton said. “People can start building applications right
away in Linux.” The goal of Kylix is to bring the power and ease of
visual programming to the Linux community, he said.”

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