
Gear Software is porting CD mastering software to Linux.

Thanks to Sam
for this report.

I just got the word that Gear
will be porting their CD mastering software to Linux.
This should be welcome news to everyone who uses a number of legacy
CD burners that are only supported by Gear’s Windows mastering

Although it would be nice if the respective manufacturers would
release the technical documentation on their legacy CD burners, in
order to write an OSS driver, this is better than nothing.


To: "mrsam@geocities.com" <mrsam@geocities.com>
Subject: RE: Linux
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 08:26:42 -0400

Hi Sam,

GEAR Pro for UNIX will support Linux with our next version. Beta testing is
underway. We expect to have the new release available around the 4th quarter of
this year. Please continue to visit http://www.gearcdr.com for update info.
Thanks for your interest in GEAR Software.


Fred Hartman
GEAR Software Inc.
Tel: 800-423-9147 x 4150
Fax: 561-575-3026

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