
Get Prepared for the HTML5 Revolution

“HTML5 Highlights

“In many ways, HTML5 is an attempt to bring order to many of the
features and behaviors that have become the norm in recent years.
This section highlights some of the more compelling additions.

“Audio and Video Support

“With plugins such as Flash, Silverlight, and various codecs
causing considerable grief over the years, HTML5 seeks to
standardize the audio and video access process by including new and
tags, respectively. Of course, the mere addition of such tags won’t
remove the need for the client to somehow load the media resource.
So, vendors are still working out exactly which formats will be
supported, although currently MP3, WAV, and Ogg Vorbis are leading
the pack. Further, you can determine whether a particular MIME type
is supported on the client with HTML5, and offer alternative
formats to those browsers that necessarily support the default


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