From: Jeff Waugh Date: Thu, February 28, 2002 0:11 Subject: GARNOME Preview Three: GARNOME Preview Three: "Jag förlorade mina byxor, men fann kärleken." ===================================================================== GARNOME 0.7.5 - the bad-ass, bleeding edge GNOME distribution for testers and tweakers everywhere - is ready for more tire-kicking and bug-bashing. If you're dying to try the GNOME 2.0 Desktop, but don't want to fall into the depraved addictions and co-dependencies of testing from anonymous CVS, then GARNOME is for you. This release is very worthwhile for testers - please leap on the GNOME 2.0 Desktop testing bandwagon! Join uber-bug-meister Luis Villa in the #bugs channel on to contribute. What's New? ----------- - Updated packages to most recent snapshot status including: eel, gedit2, gnome-applets, gnome-desktop, gnome-media, gnome-mime-data, gnome-panel, gnome-session, gnome-system-monitor, gnome-utils, gnome-vfs, libglade and nautilus. - Points to snapshot directory on ftp, because pointing to latest/sources is silly! - Added aclocaldir patch to librep garball from Dan Nicolaescu. Thanks! Where do I get it? ------------------ The tarball and documentation is available on the GARNOME website: Happy Testing! - Jeff -- Patches are like Free Software love letters.
Subject: GNOME 2.0 Desktop Snapshot 20020227 From: Jeff Waugh Date: Wed, February 27, 2002 16:45 GNOME 2.0 Desktop Snapshot 20020227 =================================== The GNOME 2.0 Desktop Snapshot 20020227 is ready for your testing pleasure! It is available for immediate download here: Due for general consumption in March, the GNOME 2.0 Desktop is a greatly improved user environment for existing GNOME applications. Enhancements include anti-aliased text and first class internationalisation support, new accessibility features for disabled users, and many improvements throughout GNOME's highly regarded user interface. Updates ------- There are new releases of the following modules: atk eel eog gedit glib gnome-applets gnome-desktop gnome-mime-data gnome-panel gnome-session gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gnome-utils gnome-vfs gtk+ libglade libgnome libgnomecanvas libgnomeui librsvg libxml2 nautilus pango Please see our previous release notes for build requirements, etc. Thanks, - The GNOME 2.0 Release Team -- "Life is short. Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly." - Robert Doisneau