
Heise Online: EU Council of Ministers to Take Another Stab at Software Patent Directive

“Déjà vu in Brussels: According to statements by
members of the government of Luxembourg and the EU Commission the
Ministers of Agriculture in their meeting of the EU Council of
Agriculture and Fisheries on Monday are to give the nod to the
controversial position of the EU Council of Ministers on the
Directive on the Patentability of ‘computer-implemented

“Shortly before Christmas the then Dutch Presidency of the
Council of the European Union had already put the position that had
been provisionally agreed upon in May of last year by the experts
after extensive debate on the agenda of a meeting of these other
experts on matters of agriculture. To everyone’s surprise Poland’s
Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Information
Technology Wlodzimierz Marcinski had at the time forced a
postponement of the official decision…”


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