
How Will Users React to GNOME 3.0?

[ Thanks to James
for this link. ]

“The GNOME developers did their part, bringing the
GNOME Shell, the basis of the GNOME 3.0 desktop, into presentable
shape. Unfortunately, neither the GNOME 2.28 release notes nor many
of the distributions which packaged GNOME Shell give any detailed
instructions about how to swap out the existing desktop and replace
it with GNOME Shell. Trying several distributions, I found packages
that installed without dependencies, and at least one that
conflicted with a standard package.

“In the end, I found that the most successful way to install the
preview was to follow the installation and compiling instructions
released last spring, and forget about the distro packages

“If my experience is even remotely typical, then the point of
the preview has been lost. I suspect that most users will not
install it, and that GNOME will not get the feedback it was vaguely
counting on from this release.”

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