[ Thanks to Ravi Swamy for this link.
From the q1source.txt file on the id site:
“This is the complete source code for winquake, glquake,
quakeworld, and glquakeworld.“
“The projects have been tested with visual C++ 6.0, but masm is
also required to build the assembly language files. It is possible
to change a #define and build with only C code, but the software
rendering versions lose almost half its speed. The OpenGL versions
will not be effected very much. The gas2masm tool was created to
allow us to use the same source for the dos, linux, and windows
versions, but I don’t really recommend anyone mess with the asm
“The original dos version of Quake should also be buildable from
these sources, but we didn’t bother trying.”
“The code is all licensed under the terms of the GPL (gnu public
license). You should read the entire license, but the gist of it is
that you can do anything you want with the code, including sell
your new version. The catch is that if you distribute new binary
versions, you are required to make the entire source code available
for free to everyone.”
The full text of the file may be found here.
The source code (in .zip format) may be found here.
Mirrors of source code: