
InformationWeek: Langa Letter: Linux Has Bugs: Get Over It

[ Thanks to BillD for
this link. ]

“It’s hard to imagine a less inflammatory or more obvious
assertion–that all operating systems have bugs and security
issues–but I won my bet: Linux and open-source fans thought I was
attacking them or their preferred operating system. They deluged me
with E-mails, many irate, claiming that CERT (and I) were dead

“The two most-common arguments against the report were:

“1) There really aren’t that many Linux/open source bugs,
especially compared with, say, Microsoft Windows. Many readers
argued further that CERT erred by counting the same bugs multiple
times in different distributions and versions of Linux or other
open-source software; these repeated bugs should have been counted
as one meta-bug.

“2) Open source bugs, when they do occur, aren’t that big a deal
anyway because they can be fixed far faster than Windows


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