“During his keynote here Tuesday at Linux World, Corel CEO
Michael Cowpland detailed the company’s Linux rollout plans for its
suite of desktop productivity applications, including Corel Draw,
which is scheduled to show up on the open-source platform in the
first quarter of 2000.”
“Meanwile, Cowpland said that Corel is creating Corel Desktop
Linux, which will include automatic hardware-detection such as plug
and play, and sport the Java Virtual Machine. Users will also be
able to access all Corel applications from it. In addition, Linux
OS updates will be pushed out to the desktop automatically from the
Web, he said.”
“WordPerfect 2000 was ported to Linux using WinE, a shareware
utility that allows 32-bit Windows applications to be ported to
Linux. In the future, Corel plans to tightly integrate WinE code
directly into its applications in order to speed the performance of
its applications on Linux.”