“A U.S. group that works to unify state laws on Thursday
overwhelmingly approved a controversial proposal to adopt common
licensing rules for software and other information technology
transactions that critics contend would hold IT companies hostage
to the whims of software vendors.”
“The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA) was
voted on during a meeting in Denver of the National Conference of
Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL), a private group of
more than 300 lawyers, judges, and law professors. Under NCCUSL
guidelines, draft legislation has to be approved by a majority of
states present when votes are taken, and that majority must include
representatives from at least 20 states.”
“The vote count was 43 states in favor of the proposal, six
against, two abstaining, and two not present. The proposal now goes
to various state legislatures for approval. Most or all U.S. states
typically approve the laws recommended by the organization, which
proposed the draft of the UCITA.”