“Intel last week gave applications and systems vendors more
security. Literally.“
“The company said it will offer the code for its Common Data
Security Architecture (CDSA) software as open source code at no
charge. In the spirit of open source software, such as Linux, Intel
is letting developers modify CDSA.”
“Using CDSA software, which was developed in Intel Architecture
Labs, companies can build security services into systems more
quickly and inexpensively, the company said. For IT managers, that
promises the more rapid release of products with encryption and
authentication features built into them. Furthermore, in-house
developers can use CDSA to add security services into their
in-house applications, according to Intel.”
“CDSA is an API that provides access to the four major
categories of security services: encryption; management of
certificates; trust policies, which identify who has access to
which databases; and secure data storage, said Terry Smith, CDSA
marketing manager.”