“Ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10 regressions
“No one can argue that the two most recent releases of Ubuntu
have been full of problems. The 9.04 release brought a lot of
regressions and instabilities with the Intel video driver, which
unfortunately is the most common graphic adapter in use. The 9.10
version seems to have it’s own share of problems with a lot of
people reporting troubles after upgrading in the Ubuntu forums.
This certainly discredit Ubuntu as a consumer ready OS, but the
problem is that Ubuntu 9.04 and 9.10 do not aim to be consumer
ready but merely a rehearsal for the next LTS version of
Ubuntu!“Ubuntu’s misunderstood release cycle
“Let’s look in more detail at the Ubuntu release cycle. Every
two year we get a Long term support (or LTS) release. That release
is supposed to be stable, consumer ready and widely used. Currently
the LTS release is version 8.04 and there are very little issues
with it as long as you install it on supported hardware. In
addition every 6 month you get an interim Ubuntu release. That
release is not intended for mainstream users but rather for people
who want (or need) the bleeding edge in Linux packages, drivers and
kernel. They are not meant to used for extended period of time, so
they have a short support cycle of only 18 months. The long term
releases on the other hand is supported for a much more comfortable
3 years, and you can upgrade from LTS to LTS without ever having to
touch an interim release.”
Is Ubuntu broken?
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