From the KDE News
Stephan Kulow, Master of the CVS, wearing ad interim the togue
of the Master of the Great Release, announced today, 6 February
1999 at 21h17 (CET), that the latest and greatest KDE version,
KDE-1.1, is released: “OK, I tagged [the CVS repository] with
1_1_RELEASE and put that tagged version on”. Wait
for binary package sets to appear any time now for the different
Unix platforms.
Again, at this moment of celebration, our gratitude is addressed
to the excellent community of KDE developers for their selfless
work and to the milions of users which, by constant support and
encouragement, by bug reports and by features suggestions, made KDE
possible, and the nice, more than two years long, history of our
project, a glorious one. Thank you all!