[ Thanks to Tink
for this link. ]
“– In what ways do you make a contribution to
KDE?“I write code, participate in the ongoing usability efforts,
write KDE-related articles and PR pieces and harass people on the
mailing lists and IRC.“– When did you first hear of KDE?
“Sometime around the 1.0 release. At that time I used Linux and
UNIX as servers only and made do with Macs and Windows machines on
the desktop. As such, I had little to no personal need for a
graphical environment on UNIX at that time. I played with KDE on a
Linux box a bit, primarily out of curiosity, but that was about it.
When I moved to Linux as my primary workstation OS in 1997 I was a
hardcore blackbox user, though I did end up using one KDE
application during my blackbox days: KMail…”
Related Story:
Matthias Ettrich [Interview](Feb 25, 2004)