“KDE is being very successfull but those who don’t follow KDE
closely often have no idea who the people are that make KDE so
successfull. To change that we have planned a serie of interviews
with the people that make KDE what it is. Every week I will add a
new face to the KDE website. This way we hope to show that KDE is
not just something that just happens but that it is a project that
is driven by a large number of dedicated people. We also want to
show that KDE is not only about writing code but that there is a
lot more needed to make a successfull desktop.”
“What is your role within KDE?”
“After I founded the project, I was busy with the stuff nobody
else wanted to do, like the terminal emulation, the window manager,
the desktop panel, session management….. Luckily these things
changed while the project evolved. Currently I’m mostly working on
the libraries (DCOP), the new window manager kwin and on improving
Qt according to the wishes of the KDE Team.”